Sunday, February 8, 2009

Be what you Good in Being

Leading a different lifestyle
can be a challenging choice in many societies .
If you feel that you made a choice,
you should feel comfortable with that choice.

For people to accept you,
first you must accept yourself.
Everyone has their own battles and choices to make,
and the norms of societies may not necessarily be normal.

If anyone tries to force an opinion on you that you do not agree with,
such that your desires are unnatural,
sinful or symptoms of a disorder,
ignore them.
If your preferred way of doing something strays from the mainstream,
whatever it may be,
then be proud of it - you are the one and only you.

Everyone has dreams and goals,
and wants companionship
and love just like anyone else you know.
Everyone wants to be the best person they can be.

It’s your right to love;
no one has the right to tell you otherwise.
Live your life authentically and happily.
Besides, it’s your life… choose to be happy.