Sometimes, I need to experience everything so that I would learn.
There's no easy way in living life so I live it as it is.
I Cry.
I Laugh.
I go crazy.
But I don't miss the chances that life is giving me
because the most important things are not things at all.
Most of the time,
they are the PEOPLE
making my life worth living.
Searching for love had been a mystery for me.
I’ve been told that if I want love, I have to search for it.
Some said I have to wait,
but human as we are,
we need someone more than just a companion.
We need someone who could complete us.
Many may have found it so easy
and many can lost it in just a snap.
I intentionally lost it once,
but without searching,
it came back to me unexpectedly.
Unless your heart,
your soul
and your whole being are behind every decision you make,
the words from your mouth will be empty
and the actions will be meaningless.
Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness.
To be loved is to live in someone's heart.
Don't hold something in your arms
that you are not willing to hold in your heart.
Unless your heart,
your soul
and your whole being are behind every decision you make,
the words from your mouth will be empty
and the actions will be meaningless.
Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness.
To be loved is to live in someone's heart.
Don't hold something in your arms
that you are not willing to hold in your heart.