never take them for granted..
never let them go…
coz if you lose them, you can hardly find them again..
but if they’re back…
accept them and never lose them again..
for they have made you for what you are today…
I am so thankful to God for giving me a very special day to share my love (once again!) to special person in my heart…
I may be leaving again soon, but my heart will now be left behind and kept a promise of the best to happen in the future.
Life has great options, but I don’t have to pick always what seems to be the best because sometimes the best and the perfect aren’t always makes me happy.
It’s always the fate that brings us together…
True love is truly a choice not a chance…
Things happened because it meant to happen…
You really don’t know the people you’re going to meet in a crossroad….….
Days Hotel, Tagaytay: "Rendezvous of a Promise"